Hard SPS Corals

Hard Corals: Hard corals have a rigid structure composed mainly of calcium carbonate. To keep hard corals in good condition, you will especially need to monitor the Kh and calcium levels. Do not hesitate to contact our team for more information regarding these species known to be difficult to maintain.

Find all our small polyp scleractinian corals, reef builders from the order of hexacorallia.

Medium to Strong Water Flow

These corals generally like turbulent waters.

Strong Lighting

SPS corals are generally located on the upper part of the reef that receives the most light during the day. However, this is not the case for encrusting or plate-like SPS corals. There are several exceptions to be found in the descriptions of the subcategories below.

Useful Info

We feed our SPS corals every day at a fixed time to increase their growth rate.


  • Our Acropora for Sale

    The Acropora we offer for sale primarily come from Indonesian and Australian open sea coral farming. In an aquarium, these corals require appropriate lighting and water movement (see each species' descriptive sheet), and the water quality must be almost perfect with stable parameters. In the natural environment, Acropora are hermatypic corals, meaning they are reef builders. An Acropora colony can measure more than 10 meters in diameter in nature. They have a branched and tree-like appearance with cylindrical branches and a terminal polyp at the end of each. Acropora found in shallow waters form short and compact branches, while colonies in deeper waters form longer and more spaced-out branches. The preferred habitat for Acropora is reef slopes, reef flats, and lagoons, where they provide refuge for many species of fish in case of danger. Acropora are the most demanding corals in terms of water quality. KH, Calcium, and Magnesium must be perfectly stable. Nitrates and Phosphates must be kept close to zero without ever reaching the value of 0.

    Moderate to Strong Water Movement

    Often found in surface waters, stirred by waves. Acropora need strong currents to rid themselves of mucus and sediment accumulations.

    Moderate to Strong Lighting

    Some Acropora species, such as humilis or millepora, live very close to the surface, to the point that they can be out of the water at low tide. Conversely, deep water Acropora like Suarshanoi should not live at the surface.

    Useful Information

    Acropora are capable of changing shapes depending on the water movement and lighting, which sometimes makes their identification difficult.

  • The Montipora are corals that can have several appearances depending on the species: branching, plate-like, or encrusting. Montipora require shallow reef environments. There are therefore 3 types of growth in Montipora: plates, branching, and encrusting.

    Medium to strong water flow

    Medium for plates and encrusting, strong for branching.

    Medium to strong lighting

    Medium for plates (Montipora capricornis …) and encrusting (Montipora danae, palawaensis, monasteriata...), strong for branching (Montipora digitata, stellata...).

    Useful info Feed them with very small prey or fine pellets. Be careful of the many parasites on this type.

  • The Pavona generally form colonies composed of thin vertical fronds with or without thickened branching bases. Pavona is usually found in lagoons and sheltered from wave action, where colonies sometimes reach more than 10 meters in diameter.

    Medium to strong water flow

    In aquariums, Pavona requires regular water flow.

    Medium to strong lighting

    Some species, such as the most common Pavona cactus, need strong lighting and water flow, while others like the Freak Hair Pavona sp live deeper and therefore need more moderate flow and lighting.

    Useful information

    Be careful, it burns its neighbors thanks to long mesenteric filaments.

  • Pocillopora are hard corals of the scleractinian reef-building type. They form compact colonies reaching several meters in diameter in their natural environment. The branches are very dense and robust in habitats exposed to strong wave action, and they are thinner and more spaced in deeper or protected habitats. Cultivated with us for decades, our Pocillopora damicornis are very resilient and grow very, very quickly. Our Pocillopora eydouxi grow more slowly.

    Moderate to strong water flow

    The larger the species grows, the more significant the water flow should be.

    Moderate to strong lighting

    As with water flow, the lighting should remain strong and even as the individual increases in size.

    Useful information

    It can create bail-out polyps for reproduction; very few parasites favor this coral. In an aquarium, it will tolerate some variations in water parameters but still requires good calcium and KH levels for proper growth.

  • Seriatopora have a very fragile calcareous structure, they grow very quickly and are therefore prone to breakage during transport, but no worries, they regrow just as fast.

    Seriatopora can form large colonies with thin, needle-like branches. These can be either widely spaced or compact, and generally irregular in shape. Seriatopora with short, thick branches are usually found in habitats exposed to wave action.

    Moderate to strong water flow

    The larger the species grows, the stronger the water flow should be.

    Moderate to strong lighting

    Some species, like the green Seriatopora histrix, prefer shaded areas whereas its pink morph likes well-lit surface waters.

    Useful Information

    Be careful, they dislike phosphates; however, very few parasites are attracted to this coral.

  • Stylophora form colonies with branches that have rounded, thick, and sometimes massive ends. Stylophora are primarily found in shallow reef environments exposed to strong wave action. Stylophora are resilient corals but dislike variations in physicochemical parameters.

    Medium to strong water flow

    Stylophora pistillata, such as the milka variety, thrive in very turbulent waters, while other morphs prefer calmer waters.

    Medium to strong lighting

    Useful information

    They do not like salinity variations

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