
The sea anemone is a stinging coral that photosynthesizes and feeds on prey that can reach the size of a shelled mussel. Anemones are generally very colorful and are capable of moving to obtain more light or better flow. Be sure to protect the strainers of your pumps and avoid placing them too close to other corals.

Anemones are soft corals that have the ability to move if the environment is not perfectly suited for them.

Medium to strong flow

They will move on their own if the flow is too strong or too weak.

Strong lighting

They will move on their own if the lighting is too strong or too weak.

Useful information

Feeding is not necessary if they have a host (clownfish). It is still possible to feed them if you want them to divide or grow faster. Once a week at most with large prey (shrimp or mussel).

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