Sea water supply

Healthy food for healthy fish

To ensure the well-being of your pets, we select the best products. Our various ranges of food for all types of aquariums will allow you to meet the dietary needs of your fish and invertebrates without adverse effects on your water quality.

Find our food for corals directly in the coral food section:


  • Marine herbivorous fish require a daily intake of algae. In this category, you will find planktonic algae in the form of flakes such as spirulina, chlorella, etc. A wide selection is also available in the special category Aquarium system à la ca

  • To reduce the risk of diseases in your saltwater aquarium, use Guarlic Guard and Fishvpower together once a week in your regular food to deworm and help combat pests. Your fish will be healthier for it.

  • Feeding your shrimp with high-quality ingredients helps facilitate molting, which occurs approximately every 2 months. Preis opti-mix has been renowned for years for enhancing the well-being of shrimp in aquariums.

  • Algae clips help you easily provide fresh algae to your herbivorous animals. With these algae clips, there's no need to move the rocks in your aquarium to secure the algae; simply clip them, and no more algae floating around in the aquarium.

  • Flake food specially designed for the well-being of saltwater fish and for good water quality even in a reef aquarium. Also check out the algae for saltwater fish category to find algae-based flakes.

  • Pellets for marine fish. These pellets are specially designed to meet the needs of the most demanding marine fish and not pollute your aquarium water.

  • Frozen food Ocean Nutrition for tropical marine aquarium fish.

    New for 2021 - Possibility to order live + frozen food with only 1 Express transport for €21 - Of course, the frozen food will not be in the same box as the live food.

    Fixed delivery price €21 - Free from €249 - Possibility to order with live food without extra cost
    Note: Choose the "Express LIVE €21" carrier and your delivery day at the calendar step. Deliverable days: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
    Information: Frozen food travels alone in a polystyrene box - You must be present on the delivery day you choose at the shipping cost step.

  • Freeze-dried fish food, to feed your entire aquarium. This freeze-dried range has been selected to allow you to choose the best quality food for all types of fish. In a saltwater aquarium, we particularly recommend

  • Phytoplankton and zooplankton constitute an ideal food source for marine invertebrates. Due to their high energy value and because they are naturally balanced. Once assimilated by the organisms, the phyto and zooplankton will pollute the water in your aquarium very little. Ideal for feeding corals, shrimp, damselfish, anthias, etc.

  • Artemia hatchery, food, sieves, and all necessary items for nauplii culture are available in this category. Notably, find the SELCO range from INVE, specially designed for the enrichment of artemia and rotifers. Selco S.presso, Easy DHA Selco S.parkle.

  • Vitamins are essential in the life cycle and particularly for your marine animals. To be given once a week. The dose can be increased if your fish have undergone stress or show signs of weakness.

  • Automatic fish food dispenser. Automatic food dispensers are very convenient when you go on vacation or even for a weekend. You simply need to program one or more feeding times per day, and the dispenser feeds for you.

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