Water test

Analyze the water in your aquarium with ultra reliable tests

Water test for aquariums. Discover our selection of the best tests among Salifert, JBL, SEACHEM etc. Monitoring is not to be neglected and is essential for maintaining an aquarium and water in excellent condition, suitable for your species of coral and fish. Do not hesitate to analyze your water, whether it is at the inauguration of a new tank or daily for its maintenance. The tests we highlight are used by the best experts in the aquarium industry. Therefore, their extreme reliability makes them valuable allies to enjoy an aquarium without risking unpleasant surprises or inconveniences.


  • Professional tests for detailed results

    Professional ICP OR N-DOC water test kits. The new ICP and N-DOC test kits are designed for the savvy aquarist who understands the importance of extreme precision and easy handling. Collect water from your aquarium and obtain ultra-precise results in professionally equipped laboratories. This way, you can rigorously know the values of your aquarium's seawater through an overview of trace elements, macro elements, pollutants, etc. Detailed advice can also be provided by specialists after analysis.

  • A practical and ergonomic handling

    Colombo brand tests are developed by scientists. Highly accurate, they allow you to know the concentration level of an element in your aquarium's water. Easy to use, both amateur and passionate aquarists can collect interesting data from their tank's water. The modern and well-designed visuals of the boxes containing Colombo tests enhance the product's ergonomics, practicality, and readability. Additionally, the Colombo case contains all the liquid tests useful for aquaristics.

  • Know the composition of your water with Nyos

    The Nyos tests are products designed to accurately measure the density of most chemical elements present in seawater. Essential for maintaining corals, the Nyos tests allow you to monitor the evolution of the aquarium's parameters day by day and thus deduce the consumption of your corals. You then simply need to adjust the dose of chemical compounds to administer in order to address any excesses or deficiencies. All Nyos tests provide precise measurements with immediate color changes.

  • The Leading Brand of Aquarium Tests

    Test Salifert for marine aquariums. Their low prices and high precision make Salifert the reference for marine aquaristics tests. Completely reliable and repeatedly recognized by professionals worldwide, the tests of this famous brand are used by a vast number of aquarists. Effectively monitor nitrates, phosphates, magnesium, and many other elements present in your aquarium's seawater. By conducting regular tests, you will reduce the risk of water deterioration and quickly address deficiencies and overloads of various parameters.

  • Advanced technology for absolute precision

    Hydrometers and refractometers for measuring the density and salinity in marine and brackish water aquariums. The best technologies are at your disposal in this category to make it easier to monitor your aquarium's parameters. Usage and calibration instructions are included in the product sheets. Follow the recommendations carefully and enjoy highly qualitative measuring tools. Electronic refractometers are also available, including the device from Milwaukee. Its digital screen removes any possible doubts one might have with a mechanical measurement, and its clear display makes the tool accessible to novice aquarists.

  • Effective Tests with Colorimetric Indicators

    Red Sea tests are products designed to accurately determine the concentration of most chemical components present in seawater. Essential for the maintenance of corals, Red Sea tests allow you to measure the evolution of the aquarium's parameters day by day and thus determine your corals' consumption. You then simply need to best adjust the dosage of chemical compounds to compensate for any deficiencies or excesses. The colorimetric indicators simplify the use of such tests, making them accessible to the greatest number of aquarists.

  • A wide range of reliable tests

    Seachem test for saltwater aquariums, find the entire Seachem range on our mail-order website. Test your nitrates and phosphates with the precision of Seachem. From complete kits to multitests, the Seachem brand is dedicated to providing sampling and measurement tools tailored to all the needs of aquarists. Analyzing your results will allow you to take the necessary actions in a timely manner to maintain pure and suitable water for your fish and corals.

  • The Effective Alternatives for Testing Your Water

    Our selection of tests is based on consumer reviews as well as those from scientific experts. As a result, we are able to present you with the best tests and kits on the market, from trusted brands. Among these, Aquahometest, ATI, and Tropic Marin stand out as must-haves. Their tests offer quick and simple handling suitable for all types of measurements and provide accurate results in a short amount of time. As effective as the tests from other brands offered on our site, these also allow for daily monitoring of the composition of your aquarium's seawater. Occasional monitoring is recommended in order to act as quickly as possible on any changes the water undergoes.

  • Get to know your aquarium's parameters with JBL

    The JBL brand tests help you carefully check your aquarium's parameters. With rigorous yet simple use, you will quickly obtain interesting results. After analysis, resolve the issues your seawater may encounter to protect your corals and fish living in your aquarium. A living environment that meets the needs of the animals and respects their way of life is absolutely essential for their well-being. Note that JBL tests can be replenished with small bottles sold here: JBL Test Refill.

  • Practical and Accurate Portable Devices

    The new revolutionary range of portable photometers is compact and easy to use. Their main advantages are their small size and the genuine simplicity of use during measurements. In a few minutes, you can get the desired result on the LCD screen, and the instrument directly displays the concentration of the specific component in ppm. How it works: They function exactly the same way as other Milwaukee photometers. When specific reagents are added, the water sample takes on a degree of coloration proportional to the concentration of the measured parameter. The photometer measures this coloration. When a light beam passes through the colored sample, energy with a specific wavelength is absorbed by the test substance. The photometer then determines the coloration of the sample by measuring the transmission or absorption of light at this wavelength. The photometer then uses a microprocessor to calculate the concentration and display the result. The scope of application is very broad, including agriculture, drinking water analysis, aquariums, swimming pools, or fish farming.

  • Affordable Tests for Regular Water Monitoring

    Aquarium Systems tests, designed by aquaristics experts, are both highly reliable and affordable. Protect your corals and promote their growth by regularly checking the levels of calcium, magnesium, nitrites, nitrates, and many other elements present in your aquarium's water. An excessively high or low concentration of any chemical element can dangerously affect the life of your species, both fish and corals, and may even be fatal. Trust Aquarium Systems tests and monitor your aquarium's water.

  • Photometers and Reagents Milwaukee

    The Milwaukee brand offers aquarists multiple tests and compact, high-performance photometers. Analyzing the water in your aquarium or pond has never been easier. Choose Milwaukee for clear and precise results, giving you an insight into your water's composition. Compact and portable, the photometers offered are the ideal allies for measuring in any circumstance without installation constraints. In a few minutes, draw detailed conclusions and react accordingly. Displayed in ppm on the LCD screen, the readings are understandable and unambiguous.

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