Freshwater decoration

Discover a wide range of decorations for your freshwater aquarium: Sand, roots, resin decorations, etc. Everything is available in the different categories below.

To best recreate a natural freshwater aquarium, we offer you a wide selection of roots and rocks.

Choice of Stones

From calcareous stones from Africa to non-calcareous stones from America, we currently have 25 varieties of rocks.

The rocks will certainly create a healthy environment for your fish by providing hiding places, breeding spots, and resting areas.

Note that rocks are sometimes very prominent in nature; in Africa, in Lake Tanganyika and Lake Malawi, the environment can be up to 90% rocky.

Choice of Roots

Regarding Mangrove, Mopani, Curlivigne, Broussa, Malaysia, and rare Vine roots, all are available for sale in your pet store and online.

Roots provide great protection for fish, releasing tannin into your aquarium. Tannin has protective properties for fish, as it increases the production of mucus, which acts as a barrier against bacteria, fungus, and other common diseases in aquariums. Tannin-rich water also reduces the brightness in your aquarium. Experience shows that this naturally limits algae proliferation.

In a similar style, cocos cava are coconut shells, often used for fish breeding, offering both a hiding place and a living area for many American dwarf cichlids.

Choice of Bonsai

Bonsai are reconstructed roots. Each bonsai is a unique piece handmade from an assembly of mountain wood, which is naturally grown and dried, creating the illusion of a hundred-year-old tree that will look stunning in your aquarium.

This selection of rocks, roots, and bonsai will awaken the Aqua designer in you. Add depth to your decorations, plant harmoniously, transform your aquarium into a natural landscape, and most importantly, enjoy watching it.

Find our range on the website now, as well as WYSIWYG roots (roots selected from photos).


  • Find here our selection of natural stones to recreate the perfect biotope in your aquarium. 100% natural rocks sold by the Kg

    Very calcareous rocks:

    Zébré mountain, rocky landscape, cave stone images, hole stone, gray knife

    Less calcareous rocks:

    Slate, Canyon, padoda, desert relief, river nature, Red jasper, blue sodalite, Africa, rose quartz, tiger's eye, white quartz, floating stone, future stone, purple stone, glimmer stone, petrified wood, Zebra stone, samurai rock, maple leaf, Rambow, Colorado, prehist, Salagoo

  • Natural roots have very interesting and ideal shapes for recreating the natural environment in your aquarium. The tannin naturally released by the root helps create perfect water. Before introducing your root into the aquarium, it is best to boil it for 1 to 2 hours so that it soaks up water.

    Natural mangrove roots will release tannin for several weeks. This creates a slightly amber water that will delight your fish, in addition to providing shelter and support for your plants and mosses. This tannin is highly appreciated by Amazonian fish (such as discus).

    Natural mopani roots are beautiful roots with sinuous shapes. However, these roots release very little tannin. Therefore, they will not tint the water in your aquarium, which is perfectly suitable for cold water fish (18 to 22°C) or African Cichlids.

    You can buy your roots in Wysiwyg in our dedicated category

  • Adopt one of our stunning posters to personalize your aquarium and give it a visual depth effect.

  • In this category, discover completely unique roots for freshwater aquariums. Choose the one that meets your expectations and receive exactly the same one you see in the presentation photograph.

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