Freshwater supply

Food designed to meet the needs of tropical freshwater fish in aquariums. If you are looking for pond food, check out the pond category.

To properly meet the needs of your fish, make sure to offer a varied diet so they can obtain all the elements they need to thrive.

Wide selection of food for freshwater fish

Sometimes omnivorous, vegetarian, granivorous, or even carnivorous, it is imperative to provide a diet that suits each species of fish in your aquarium.

Our advice: choose food of an appropriate size for your fish (food that is too small or too large may not necessarily be eaten by your fish, and it could end up at the bottom of your aquarium, causing significant pollution and potential algae problems).

Some foods are also enriched with beta-carotene, which will result in more vibrant colors in your fish.

Natural food


Freeze-dried prey for all carnivorous and omnivorous fish, they stimulate your fish's appetite and also have a higher protein content.


In 80% of cases, for mid-water fish such as: Angelfish, African Cichlids, Tetra, etc.


For fish with mouths oriented upwards, like Guppy, Molly, etc.


For fish with mouths oriented downwards, such as Corydoras, Ancistrus, etc.

Specialized ranges for specific species

Discus, Malawi Lake Cichlids, Guppy, goldfish, etc., are species with specific physiological needs. This is why these species each have a range specially designed to meet their needs.

For omnivorous fish, make sure to mix several different products to provide them with an ideal diet.

Find live and frozen food in our store located in Roche-lez-Beaupré (25220).


  • Food studied for freshwater aquarium crabs.

  • Suitable food for domestic Betta splendens fish.

  • Due to their very atypical environment, African cichlids require very specific food with high digestibility. Find the essentials for Malawi and Tanganyika lake cichlids in this category.

  • Shrimp food. Specially designed to enhance the appetite of these invertebrates, shrimp food promotes reproduction and molting in aquariums.

  • Very high-quality food suitable for American discus cichlids.

  • Studied food for freshwater fish in a community aquarium. Rediscover the natural colors of your fish thanks to this high-quality food.

  • Food suitable for guppies, this food has the advantage of triggering reproduction and producing healthier fry.

  • Plecos are the fish commonly known as glass cleaners. The diet of the pleco is actually very different and requires the addition of special food.

  • The intake of plants is crucial for herbivorous fish. Providing a source of plants once or twice a week for the fish increases their well-being and significantly extends their lifespan.

  • High-quality food for goldfish. This range of food has been specially selected to avoid polluting your aquarium water.

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