CO2 equipment

High-quality CO2 equipment

We present to you our range of equipment for CO2 in aquariums. Also discover the category of CO2 controllers as well as the CO2 Aquascaping category. We sell suitable bottles for your aquarium equipment, CO2 regulators, solenoid valves, pH meters, as well as high-quality diffusers, tubes, and bubble counters.


  • The CO2 Necessary for the Growth of Corals

    The CO2 Bottle has several applications in aquariophilia. In freshwater, carbon dioxide is dissolved in the aquarium water, which will promote the good health and growth of plants. However, be cautious as this gas acidifies the water and, in excess, can be harmful to the respiration of fish. The CO2 Bottle in saltwater is specifically used to acidify the water to dissolve aragonite or another calcareous substrate in the reactor, thereby providing the calcium necessary for the growth of hard corals.

  • The Essential for Using a Carbon Dioxide Cylinder

    The CO2 Regulator is essential for using a carbon dioxide cylinder. Indeed, the extreme pressure inside the cylinder requires a pressure regulation device to adjust the gas outlet pressure. The CO2 Regulator also serves to adjust the carbon dioxide flow rate to best suit your application. It has a pressure gauge that will indicate the amount of gas remaining in the cylinder.

  • Master the CO2 Flow in Your Aquarium

    CO2 diffusers, tubes, and bubble counters can be used in both freshwater and saltwater. Bubble counters allow you to visualize and adjust the CO2 flow according to the needs of the plants or the calcium dissolution rate in a calcium reactor (RAC) in saltwater. In the CO2 diffusers, tubes, and bubble counters section, you will find carbon dioxide diffusers designed for freshwater. They will help you maximize the CO2 dissolution rate in the water. The tubes will allow you to connect the different devices together.

  • The Solenoid Valve: A Versatile Device in Aquariophilia

    Solenoid valves have several possible applications and enable the automation of the systems most commonly used in aquariophilia. They can be used in seawater (calcium reactor) or freshwater (CO2 injection) for CO2 regulation via a timer or a pH probe. The solenoid valve connected to a level sensor can serve as an osmolator (it controls the start and stop of the osmoseur).

    Solenoid valve for CO2 or osmoseur regulation.

  • Measure the pH of Your Aquarium

    The pH meters we offer in this category are reliable and ultra-efficient. These automated measurement systems, along with the associated solutions, rebalance the pH level of your aquarium. As a result, the Milwaukee regulator is autonomous and simplifies the task for you, while ensuring safety for your fish and corals that are not at risk of experiencing a pH level that is too high or too low compared to their tolerance. Standard solution packets can also be useful for you to adjust the pH yourself if needed.

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