Freshwater aquarium fish


Freshwater fish are found in rivers and bodies of water on every continent. RecifAtHome does not sell any fish taken from the wild. All species offered for purchase come from breeding, always with a choice of quality.

Each fish species requires specific water quality: respect it!

Water quality is very important for properly raising freshwater fish. For example, very soft water (GH below 5) and slightly acidic (pH below 6.8) is recommended for South America. Conversely, very hard water (GH above 15) is recommended for cichlids from the African Great Lakes. Soft and neutral water (with a pH of 7) is suitable for the maintenance of many species.

The water temperature, which can vary from one environment to another, is often overlooked. Monitor it, especially in summer. Remember that the freshwater fish sold are of exotic origin: they like water at around 25°C. For example, betta fish should be kept at 25°C and not at room temperature as is often seen.

Combine fish with freshwater plants.

Thanks to breeders and the adaptability of freshwater aquarium fish, it is now possible to create a community aquarium. However, out of habit, prefer to create specific biotopes representing precise locations in the Amazon, Asia, etc.

There is no average number of fish per liter of aquarium water; it depends on the species, age, etc.

In all cases, with rare exceptions like African cichlids from the great lakes, always combine aquarium plants for the well-being of your animals.

Information July 2023: Transformation of the freshwater section into marine, RecifAtHome is increasing its marine section by approximately 200m². Do not hesitate to contact us if you want advice on starting your marine adventure!

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