Corals & invertebrates

Discover our corals and invertebrates from our breeding available for sale on our online site and at our store located in Roche-lez-beaupré in Doubs (25). Find unique corals in the WYSIWYG categories and even more choices in the Soft Corals, Hard Corals categories, etc.

Choose the delivery date that suits you best at the shipping cost step when placing your order.

Several distinctions for our cultured corals for sale

- RAH France Culture Corals and Ultra Signature = French Culture signed RecifAtHome = Corals cultivated within our premises in France at Roche-lez-beaupré, we have been cultivating several thousand corals for over 10 years. The Ultra Signature corals may have been popularized by other world-renowned coral breeders (e.g., Acropora sp Red Dragon) or selected by our team (RAH in the title) and are now all cultivated within our premises.

- Mariculture Corals under LED = Corals cultivated in the open sea in Indonesia, etc., then acclimated under LED, generally for 3 to 6 months in our premises.

- Mariculture Corals = Corals cultivated in the open sea in Indonesia, etc., not yet acclimated to LED


  • Find here our corals that are the rarest and most colorful, from Acropora to Zoanthus including chalices (encrusting LPS), all these corals have been carefully selected by us.

  • WYSIWYG = the coral you see is the one you buy

  • The WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) or "what you see is what you buy" in French is a service that allows you to see the specimen that interests you before purchasing it. Thanks to WYSIWYG, you can now order your corals and other invertebrates as if you were in a store. WYSIWYG: you see what you buy!!

  • The WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) or "what you see is what you buy" in French is a service that allows you to see the specimen you are interested in before purchasing it. Thanks to WYSIWYG, you can now order your corals and other invertebrates as if you were in a store. WYSIWYG: you see what you buy!!

  • Hard Corals: Hard corals have a rigid structure composed mainly of calcium carbonate. To keep hard corals in good condition, you will especially need to monitor the Kh and calcium levels. Do not hesitate to contact our team for more information regarding these species known to be difficult to maintain.

    Find all our small polyp scleractinian corals, reef builders from the order of hexacorallia.

    Medium to Strong Water Flow

    These corals generally like turbulent waters.

    Strong Lighting

    SPS corals are generally located on the upper part of the reef that receives the most light during the day. However, this is not the case for encrusting or plate-like SPS corals. There are several exceptions to be found in the descriptions of the subcategories below.

    Useful Info

    We feed our SPS corals every day at a fixed time to increase their growth rate.

  • The LPS corals are hard corals; they have a rigid structure composed primarily of calcium carbonate and also have large polyps. LPS are generally more stinging than other corals. They are also easier to maintain in an aquarium compared to SPS hard corals.

    Low to medium water flow

    These corals prefer calm waters

    Medium to low lighting

    A bluish lighting close to 20K is preferred for most ultra LPS given the depth at which they live in their natural environment.

    Useful info

    Most LPS require significant feeding with pellets for those with a large mouth

  • Discover our selected soft corals such as zoanthus full color, colorful ricordea yuma, sinularia, sarcophyton, xenia, rhodactis, alcyonium, just to name the main coral species. Enjoy exceptional color on zoanthus, ricordea yuma, and discosoma. Always 100% acclimated and at a low price!

    Moderate to strong water flow

    Some prefer agitated waters (e.g., Sarcophyton) while others like very very calm waters, such as Bounce Ricordea.

    Moderate to strong lighting

    It varies greatly between a Sarcophyton and a Bounce; we recommend checking each category.

    Useful info

    Some are capable of absorbing nutrients through their tissues, as is the case for Zoanthids; we recommend adding vitamins to the water.

  • The sea anemone is a stinging coral that photosynthesizes and feeds on prey that can reach the size of a shelled mussel. Anemones are generally very colorful and are capable of moving to obtain more light or better flow. Be sure to protect the strainers of your pumps and avoid placing them too close to other corals.

    Anemones are soft corals that have the ability to move if the environment is not perfectly suited for them.

    Medium to strong flow

    They will move on their own if the flow is too strong or too weak.

    Strong lighting

    They will move on their own if the lighting is too strong or too weak.

    Useful information

    Feeding is not necessary if they have a host (clownfish). It is still possible to feed them if you want them to divide or grow faster. Once a week at most with large prey (shrimp or mussel).

  • Clams are bivalve mollusks that have the distinctive feature of containing the same microalgae as corals (Zooxanthellae) in their tissues. Discover our selection of highly colorful clams from the South Pacific, Clams of the species Tridacna maxima, generally in ultra-color grade. Available in small size 4 to 6 cm or large size 12-15 cm.

    Weak to medium water flow

    It is important to ensure that the clam is properly oriented, with the current flowing from the inhalant siphon (large hole) to the exhalant siphon (small hole).

    Strong lighting

    Clams are located on the upper part of the reef; good lighting is essential for their proper development.

    Useful information

    Special food for clams is essential. Despite their ability to derive energy from light, they remain filter-feeding organisms. Be careful, clams are sensitive to certain parasites that can kill them by attacking them through the foot.

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There are 1139 products.

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€60.00 -20% €48.00
In stock: WEB Exclusive!
€60.00 -20% €48.00
In stock: WEB Exclusive!
€60.00 -20% €48.00
In stock: WEB Exclusive!
100% Aquaculture RAH
100% Aquaculture RAH
100% Aquaculture RAH
100% Aquaculture RAH
100% Aquaculture RAH
100% Aquaculture RAH
100% Aquaculture RAH