
Aquascaping is the art of developing and maintaining an aquarium that closely resembles what is found in nature.

To succeed in your mission, you will need the best products available in the aquarium market.
First, make sure you have a good substrate, that macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are in sufficient quantities. And ensure that carbon dioxide and trace elements are maintained at good levels.

An easy choice among large recognized brands

Dennerle, JBL, Seachem, Colombo, etc. are now recognized as brands offering very high-quality aquarium products.

Also, check out our catalog natural rock and natural root for your aquarium for a perfect aquascape.

To best maintain your aquarium, don't forget the JBL test range to monitor your water parameters and thus provide the necessary elements for your plants' growth. You will also find the proscape range, high-quality equipment to maintain and shape your aquascaping.

Feel free to contact us so that we can choose together the best products for your aquarium.


  • Aquascaping plants need light energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) to synthesize the sugars that provide them with energy. In this category, you will find all the necessary equipment for injecting carbon dioxide into your aquarium and controlling it via pH.

    Info: for a pH below 6, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur are difficult to absorb. Additionally, some metal oxides such as aluminum, copper, iron, and manganese become so soluble that they reach toxicity levels.

    When the pH becomes higher than 7, there are blockages due to excess calcium on various elements, especially iron, but also boron and manganese, which become insoluble, with phosphorus crystallizing as non-assimilable tricalcium phosphate. Another well-known interaction is that of potassium, which displaces magnesium and calcium from the clay-humus complex. This is the famous decalcifying action of potassium fertilizers, where some absorbed ions reduce the assimilation of other ions. This is known as ionic competition.

    Feel free to perform a water test with our special tests for aquascaping

    Find more articles for CO2 in the CO2 equipment category.

  • Lighting for aquascaping aquarium, we recommend the combination of 1 white RAL LED + 1 pink RAL LED for unbeatable display and growth rate for your plants.

  • Fertilizers specifically adapted for aquascaping are recommended for weekly use. These are generally composed of nitrogen, iron, etc., but chelated with EDTA. This chelator has the clear advantage of making the added element (nitrogen, iron, etc.) bioavailable, meaning in a form that can be assimilated by aquatic plants.

    Aquascaping fertilizer can be divided into four parts: CO2 and the substrate on one hand, which we will not discuss here, and then the fertilizer composed of macronutrients (Nitrogen N, Phosphorus P, Potassium K, Calcium Ca, Magnesium Mg, and Sulfur S) and finally the fertilizer composed of trace elements. The fertilizer composed of trace elements is often offered as a mixture. The essential trace elements for aquatic plants are: boron, chlorine, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc.

  • Aquascaping tools are essential for creating and maintaining an aquascaping or Dutch-style aquarium. Indeed, it is important to have appropriate tweezers to plant the plants in the aquarium substrate because their roots are very fragile. Aquascaping tools also offer scissors specifically designed for trimming even the most delicate plants, as well as plant glue that allows you to attach plants to roots or rocks.

  • Substrate for aquascaping: the characteristics of these substrates condition the availability of micronutrients. A fine-textured soil, like clay, often contains more trace elements that plants can assimilate than a granular, sandy-type soil. The proportion of organic matter is also important; it should be neither too low (less than 2%) nor too high (more than 30%). Certain characteristics, such as temperature or pH, also determine the availability of micronutrients. However, despite the presence of a rich soil, deficiencies can still occur. Indeed, it happens that some minerals, although present in the soil, are poorly assimilated or not at all. This phenomenon is often related to the soil's pH. Refer to the fertilizer category for more information.

    See the "Traditional" freshwater sands

  • Water tests allowing you to measure the essential elements for the development of your plants in aquascaping.

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