
Fertilizers specifically adapted for aquascaping are recommended for weekly use. These are generally composed of nitrogen, iron, etc., but chelated with EDTA. This chelator has the clear advantage of making the added element (nitrogen, iron, etc.) bioavailable, meaning in a form that can be assimilated by aquatic plants.

Aquascaping fertilizer can be divided into four parts: CO2 and the substrate on one hand, which we will not discuss here, and then the fertilizer composed of macronutrients (Nitrogen N, Phosphorus P, Potassium K, Calcium Ca, Magnesium Mg, and Sulfur S) and finally the fertilizer composed of trace elements. The fertilizer composed of trace elements is often offered as a mixture. The essential trace elements for aquatic plants are: boron, chlorine, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc.


  • Nitrogen in aquascaping is a very important element, as it promotes the cellular multiplication of plant tissues. We have selected the best products for you.

    Feel free to do a water test with our special tests for aquascaping

  • Organic carbon for aquascaping allows you to directly add organic molecules (i.e., carbon-based) that your plants naturally synthesize for their growth. Thus, their growth rate will increase significantly. Note that these products may contain Iron.

    The products from the Flourish Excel™ range contain molecules similar to those naturally produced by plants. Adding Flourish Excel™ allows you to bypass the CO2 needs of your plants and provide compounds that they can use.

  • Trace element fertilizers contain all the necessary micronutrients for plant growth in aquascaping. The most common but nonetheless essential ones are:

    - Copper: It is involved in the composition of certain enzymes that participate in photosynthesis or enable cell respiration. A copper deficiency manifests on new shoots with reduced size and wilting. Leaves may become dark green and necrotize from the tip to the edges, or show deformations and a yellowish hue.

    - Boron: Its deficiency causes poor seed germination, fragility of plant tissues, and bud death. An excess of boron causes the blackening of plant tissues.

    - Zinc (Zn): It is a constituent of oxidation enzymes. It has a protective role with auxin, a growth hormone. A deficiency causes reduced leaf size and internode length, deformation of leaf edges, and chlorosis. An excess of zinc leads to poor magnesium assimilation.

    - Manganese (Mn): An insufficiency causes chlorosis and the appearance of brown spots giving a grid-like appearance to the leaves (commonly on Echinodorus and Vallisneria). An excess of manganese manifests with symptoms similar to those of iron deficiency.

    - Molybdenum (Mo): Chlorosis and leaf deformation result from a lack of molybdenum.

    - Chlorine (Cl): A deficiency causes leaf wilting, browning, and root destruction.

    - Cobalt (Co): This element is essential for nitrogen fixation. It is used by newly planted vegetation. Little is still known about its deficiency and toxicity.

    Discover our range of trace elements:

  • Iron in aquascaping: although it is not a constituent of chlorophyll, iron is essential for its synthesis. Thus, it is part of a large number of oxidation enzymes and is abundantly found in the youngest parts of the plant, such as buds, new leaves, and flowers. Iron is present in substrates but not available in sufficient quantities for the pH values we observe. Therefore, adding iron in solution is crucial.

    Iron: An iron deficiency manifests as chlorosis, particularly in young plant tissues that turn yellow or white. An excess is very rare.

    Feel free to perform a water test with our special tests for aquascaping

  • Magnesium for aquascaping: magnesium (Mg) is one of the constituents of chlorophyll. Its absence is manifested by chlorosis, similar to iron deficiency.

    Feel free to do a water test with our special tests for aquascaping

  • Balanced fertilizer for aquascaping. These fertilizers combine all the necessary elements for aquascaping into one or two solutions. These fertilizers are balanced and suitable for 95% of aquatic plants. Be careful not to overdose these fertilizers.

  • Phosphorus-based fertilizer for aquarium plants. Phosphorus (P) contributes to the overall growth of the plant and in particular to the root system.

    Don't hesitate to do a water test with our special tests for aquascaping

  • Potassium is an essential element necessary for photosynthesis; a zero level of Potassium in your aquarium would be disastrous for your aquatic plants.

    Feel free to perform a water test with our special aquascaping tests

  • In the category "Everything else for aquascaping" you will find solid fertilizers to be planted directly at the roots of aquarium plants, as well as a liquid fertilizer. In the category "Everything else for aquascaping," there is a remineralizer for osmosis water specially designed for plants and to stabilize carbonate hardness. There is also a treatment against rot and holes in plant leaves.

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