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How to know when to use TRIMARIN?

Diagnosing the disease is the first step towards a quick recovery. Most fish diseases are very contagious and spread quickly. A rapid diagnosis and treatment are advised. There are predominant "early warning signals" that should be monitored as they may indicate the onset of a disease.


The skin is the first line of defense and as such, it is often the first to show signs of an attack by infection. Any change in skin color or appearance should be closely monitored.


Watch your fish's fins. Fins that are held close to the body are a sign of disease.

Swimming behavior:

Unusual or slow swimming behavior indicates the onset of a disease.

Which fish can I treat with TRIMARIN?

All marine fish can be treated with TRIMARIN. Do not use TRIMARIN with tropical or cold-water fish and be careful not to overdose with sensitive fish.

Can TRIMARIN be used safely with invertebrates?

No, TRIMARIN should not be used in aquariums containing invertebrates such as sea anemones, corals, and crustaceans. These should be removed from your aquarium before using TRIMARIN.

To treat a disease in an aquarium containing invertebrates, use eSHa OODINEX. OODINEX treats a broad spectrum of diseases in marine fish but is safe to use in aquariums containing invertebrates.

What does TRIMARIN treat?

TRIMARIN treats organisms responsible for a wide range of marine fish diseases and symptoms (see diagrams below).

However, as disease symptoms are often similar, it is not always possible to determine exactly which disease your fish have.

Fortunately, the broad action of TRIMARIN means that the danger of choosing the wrong treatment is practically eliminated. It is important to keep in mind that TRIMARIN is not a miracle cure and will not heal all the diseases your fish may encounter. It cannot bring dead fish back to life.

If you observe any of the following symptoms, it is advisable to treat your fish with TRIMARIN.


1 Fine yellow-whitish spots or "salt and pepper" can be seen, particularly on the fins. The spots may give a 'misty gold' appearance. Fish may rub and scratch against hard objects and show rapid gill movement (difficulty breathing). Slime may cover the body. Common on Tangs and Clownfish.

2 White spots on the body and fins of your fish. Your fish may try to "rub and scratch" against hard objects such as aquarium decor.

3 Fluffy white or slightly off-white growths on the fins and body of your fish. Often found on wounds or broken skin, where the mucus layer has been broken. A classic secondary infection.

4 The fins of your fish appear shredded, painful, frayed, or torn. NAME OF THE DISEASE 'Oodinium' - also called 'Coral Fish Disease' or 'Marine Velvet'. One of the most common diseases affecting marine fish. 'Marine Whitespot' - Cryptocaryon Irritans 'Another very common disease in marine fish. 'Fungus' - This is likely the sapro-fungus legnia. 'Finrot' - Can be the result of many bacteria or vigorous feeding/breeding. May also affect the tail ('tailrot). for saltwater aquariums for max. 800 ltr. for marine aquariums for max. 800 ltr. Printed on 19/11/2007
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AUGUST 2007 2eSHa TRIMARIN™ - BROAD SPECTRUM MARINE TREATMENT SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE 5 Your fish appear bloated with scales/fins sticking out from the skin. Red areas often visible at the base of the raised scales. The bases of the fins and around the anus appear red or bloodshot. The eyes may protrude from the body. 6 Symptoms may include any or all of the following: weight loss, ulcers, popeyes, lethargy, swollen belly, painful skin patches, loss of appetite, appearance. 7 Some small white spots (especially on the fins) can be seen which may develop into large cauliflower-like tumors (giant cells). 8 Your fish have difficulty breathing, gasping for air at the surface, may lose weight, and scrape the open gill cover against hard objects. 9 Your display Sea-Horses (Hippocampus) have white nodules/deposits on their skin, lose weight, and become deformed. The pouch may become diseased reducing the likelihood of developing healthy young. NAME OF THE DISEASE 'Dropsy' - the common name for a viral and/or bacterial infection combination. 'Debilitating Disease' - Often called 'Fish Tuberculosis' (Mycobacterium). 'Nodular Disease' - also called 'Lymphocystis'. A viral infection that TRIMARIN helps block. Very easy to confuse with whitespot. 'Gill Worms' - tiny worms that resemble in the tissue. Infestation can spread quickly. 'Seahorse Disease' - A rare disease (Glugea heraldi - a sporozoan). What precautions should I take when using TRIMARIN? Water changes? It is generally not necessary to do a water change before or after using TRIMARIN. However, there are some exceptions where a partial water change should be performed before treating the aquarium: 1 In case of poor water quality. Regular water tests can identify water quality issues in time to take corrective actions if needed. 2 If you are close to your regular water change habitual. Filtration? You can continue to filter over non-adsorbent materials such as filter wool, sand, gravel, etc. means to remove 'active' chemical filter media such as activated carbon, UV, oxidizers, resins, and protein skimmers, etc., as they may negatively influence the action of TRIMARIN. Keep the filters running day and night.